Saskia Baltrusch

143 Chapter 5 Figure: 12: (A) Boxplots of perceived task difficulty. The red line represents the sample median. The distances between the tops and bottoms are the interquartile ranges. Whiskers show the min and max values; The dotted lines represent the division between (1) tasks to assess the supportive function of the device (right side), (2) tasks to assess the extent of restricted hip flexion (middle), and (3) tasks to assess the ROM (right side); 0 = very easy, 10 = very difficult. (B) Comparison of the Laevo device assessed in Baltrusch et al. (2018) [26] and the prototype of the current study: Boxplots of difference in perceived task difficulty between without and with exoskeleton condition. Values above the dashed zero baseline indicate a support by the device, values below the baseline indicate a hindrance by the device. The red line represents the sample median. The distances between the tops and bottoms are the interquartile ranges. Whiskers show the min and max values; The dotted lines represent the division between 1) tasks to assess the supportive function of the device (right side), 2) tasks to assess the extent of restricted hip flexion (middle), and 3) tasks to assess the ROM (right side). 5