Saskia Baltrusch

159 Chapter 6 discomfort levels. After each task, participants were asked to indicate the level of general discomfort, perceived task difficulty and local discomfort in the low back on a visual analogue scale (VAS), ranging from 0 (no difficulty/discomfort) to 10 (maximum difficulty/discomfort). For the static postural tolerance tasks “Static Forward Bending” and “3 point kneeling position” participants also filled in a questionnaire on Local Discomfort in specific body areas. Table 1: Functional performance tests and their respective procedure and outcome measures. Test Procedure Objective outcome measure Subjective outcome measures GD LD PTD DLB 1. Lifting Lifting a box of 20 kilos for 2 minutes from ankle height as often as possible. Lifting technique and lifting speed is chosen by the participant. Number of lifts in 2 mins x x x 2. Carrying Carrying 20 kilos in a box for 10 meters. Time recording stopped when the participant passed the 10-meter mark. Performance time (s) x x x 3. Static forward bending Standing with flexed trunk between 30 and 60 degrees. Trunk angle is chosen by the participant. Performing a simple manual task on a table at knee height, max 5 mins. Maximal holding time (s) x x x x 4. 3 point kneeling position Holding 3 point kneeling position with one hand on the floor. Performing a simple manual task on the floor, max 5 mins. Maximal holding time (s) x x x x 5. 6 Minutes Walk Test Walking as far as possible in 6 minutes. Distance (m) x x x 18. Sit to stand Sitting down on a chair and getting up 5 times. Participant started in sitting position and time recording stopped when participant sat down the 5 th time. Performance time (s) x x x 6. Stair Climbing Climbing up- and downstairs as fast as possible for 20 steps. No use of handrails. Time recording stopped when both feet were on the floor again. Performance time (s) x x x 6