Saskia Baltrusch

160 Chapter 6 Test Procedure Objective outcome measure Subjective outcome measures GD LD PTD DLB 7. Ladder Climbing Climbing up and down a ladder twice. Time recording stopped when both feet were on the floor again. Performance time (s) x x x 8. Bending the trunk Bending forward as much as possible, knees extended. Distance fingertip to floor (cm) x x x 9. Wide Stance Standing with feet 20 cm apart, gradually increasing distance by 20 cm. Maximal distance (cm) x x x 10. Rotation of the trunk Rotating the trunk 5 times to both side. None x x x 11. Squatting Squatting down to the floor 3 times, leaving the heels on the ground. None x x x GD=General discomfort; LD=Local Discomfort in specific body areas; PTD=Perceived Task Difficulty; DLB=Local Discomfort Lower Back User satisfaction was assessed with the help of a User’s Impression Questionnaire through VAS scales, addressing adjustability, range of motion, efficacy of the device and the probability of wearing the exoskeleton at work (Table 2). Table 2: User’s Impression Questionnaire Category Question VAS scale Adjustability How easy is the device to put on and put off? 0=very easy 10=very difficult How easy is the device to adjust? 0=very easy 10=very difficult Range of Motion Are you restricted in your freedom of movement? 0=not restricted 10=heavily restricted Efficacy Does the device reduce the loading on your back? 0=high reduction 10=no reduction Does the device support you in performing the tasks you did? 0=high support 10=no support Does the device interfere with the tasks you did? 0=no interference 10=high interference Use at work Would you consider this device for daily use at work? 0=daily use 10=no use