Saskia Baltrusch

210 Chapter 8 get answers from the management perspective. The discussion and the double interview were conducted on two different days and lasted between 60 and 90 mins. Both sessions were held in Dutch. Table 1: Discussion guide 1) Round of introductions What are you doing at KLM? How long have you been working at KLM already? Which location are you working at? Can you choose location and type of work? 2) Working environment Tell us about your working environment Does it vary for different work locations? 3) How do you use lifting devices? Why do / don’t you use them? How do you deal with low back pain? How do you prevent low back pain? 4) Try to think back of testing the SPEXOR exoskeleton How did you experience the use of the exoskeleton? What was positive? What was negative? Would you use the exoskeleton if you have low back problems/ as prevention? 5) What would be the ideal exoskeleton? Wishes/design requirements (conclusion of point 4) Data analysis The focus group and the double interview were audio-recorded and notes (memos) were taken during the session. Due to technical problems we lost the audio data from the focus group. However, we used the notes to reconstruct the discussion on paper. For trustworthiness and reliability, the reconstructed transcript was sent to the participants of the focus group for verification. Participants confirmed their agreement to our reconstructed discussion. The data of the double interview were transcribed verbatim. The participants’ names were replaced by pseudonyms to maintain anonymity. Subsequently, both transcriptions were analysed by the main investigator (SB) using the thematic analysis, a pattern-based analysis that allows to identify and report the salient features of the data [32]. First, categories were developed by repeated close reading of the text. After embedding those into a framework, major themes of the focus group discussion and the interview were identified. The main investigator (SB) performed the coding and analysis. Codes, subthemes and