Saskia Baltrusch

215 Chapter 8 Feeling responsible Luggage handlers also focused their discussion on feeling responsible for the luggage. They stated that: Even when luggage was checked in too late and does not have to be considered for loading anymore, they are still trying their best to get it on board. This also increases workload. “[…] this behaviour is indeed characteristic for the men in the luggage department […]” (Martijn, Process Coordinator). Freedom in task selection Luggage handlers acknowledged that: they have the freedom of choosing their main tasks based on their wishes or current physical problems. Main tasks are loading, unloading and driving the vehicle to transport luggage to the airplane. When employees report physical problems, the team leader considers that in the distribution of tasks. Use of Lifting Devices Limited usage Luggage handlers mainly reported not using the external (off-body) lifting devices that are currently available in the company (see Appendix 1), because: If the workload is too high, manual work is faster. In addition, they reached consensus that using the lifting devices does not make work safer. One luggage handler explained that: 8