Saskia Baltrusch

216 Chapter 8 in the past they used a lifting device that works with vacuum to suck a suitcase up. Since it led to various accidents during the work process, we are not allowed to use it anymore. The Ergo coach remarked he would not recommend using any of the available lifting devices to newcomers (Pim, Ergo Coach). In contrast, the team leader defined 3 types of people regarding the use of lifting devices: “[…] I know people who use them I dare to say almost 100 percent, […] you have those who only use them if needed, including me. I see it’s heavy, then I do it with the lifting device. And a few people just want to work without a device.” (Hendrik, Team Leader) Limitations Luggage handlers cent red their discussion on different limitations of available external lifting devices. One main argument was: that lifting with the device is too slow to keep up with the workload. (Timo, Luggage Handler) The team leader shared that opinion and explained that the use of the device “[…] depends on how many suitcases are coming into the system. […] and also on the time […]if there are 50 suitcases coming at once […] using the lifting device is good, but then it’s slow […] taking too long […]”. (Hendrik, Team Leader) Another limitation is: the rigidity of the device. It does not take into account differences in body length and handedness. This allows for only one way of using it and forces the user to work in a certain way.