Saskia Baltrusch

255 S J Baltrusch, J H van Dieën, A S Koopman, M B Näf, C Rodriguez-Guerrero, J Babič, H Houdijk. Change of metabolic costs and movement behavior when using a novel trunk exoskeleton. Oral Presentation at the Annual Congress of the European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2019. S J Baltrusch, J H van Dieën, A S Koopman, H Houdijk. A change of perspective. From adapting working environments towards wearing a passive trunk exoskeleton. Oral Presentation at Human Factors NL Themabijeenkomst Exoskeletten op de werkvloer, Delft, the Netherlands, 2019. S J Baltrusch, J H van Dieën, S M Bruijn, A S Koopman, C A M van Bennekom, H Houdijk. The Effect of a Passive Trunk Exoskeleton on Metabolic Costs during Lifting and Walking. Oral Presentation at the Dutch Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Groningen, the Netherlands, 2018. S J Baltrusch, J H van Dieën, S M Bruijn, A S Koopman, C A M van Bennekom, H Houdijk. The Effect of a Passive Trunk Exoskeleton on Functional Performance and Metabolic Costs. Oral Presentation at the International Symposium on Wearable Robotics (WeRob), Pisa, Italy, 2018. S J Baltrusch, J H van Dieën, S M Bruijn, A S Koopman, C A M van Bennekom, H Houdijk. The Effect of a Passive Trunk Exoskeleton on Metabolic Costs during Lifting and Walking. Oral Presentation at the 20 th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Florence, Italy, 2018. S J Baltrusch, J H van Dieën, C A M van Bennekom, H Houdijk. How Does a Passive Trunk Exoskeleton affect Functional Performance? Poster Presentation at the 20 th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Florence, Italy, 2018. S J Baltrusch, J H van Dieën, C A M van Bennekom, H Houdijk. The Effect of a passive trunk Exoskeleton on Functional Performance in Healthy Individuals. Oral Presentation at the VvBN PhD Day, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2017.