Saskia Baltrusch

264 lab. After a while every exoskeleton gets heavy :D Thanks for your openness and willingness to share your stories. Without you this would have not been possible. Thanks to technicians at the VU , Siro, Hans, Leon, Frans-Jozef and Vincent for always picking up the phone and even helping out when you just sat down for a coffee. Thanks for your patience and your support! I also want to thank my opponents who took the time to read and comment my thesis and who will come over from even outside the country to ask me hard questions during my defense. I am honored to have you as my opponents. Thank you Michiel de Looze, Hans Rietman, Marjan Westerman, Idsart Kingma and Tessy Luger . Mijn oprechte dank aan de sponsoren van deze proefschrift en de volgende mensen die de metingen in de afgelopen jaren mogelijk hebben gemaakt: Bedankt Michel Kaldenhoven voor de grote hulp met het rekruteren van werknemers en de erg interessante rondleiding bij KLM. Bedankt Eric Kemper voor de mogelijkheid om een hele week op de werkvloer van Mitsubishi met werknemers te kunnen meten. Some more friends I want to thank here that have been there for me in these 4 years, even though some of you are so far away: Thanks to Benji, Lisa, Ima, Ditti and Luke . You always believed in me and talking to you always gave me confidence in what I’m doing. Thank you so much for that! Thanks to all the Lindy Hoppers I shared a dance with in these 4 years. It always made me forget the world around me and I could recharge my energy storage :) Thanks to the ocean, the beach and the dunes I enjoyed so much when working at the sea. You gave me energy and made hard days easier and easy days even better :) Thanks to Beverwijk Station fietsenstalling that my bike was always still standing there safely even when I got way over the maximal storage time :)