Saskia Baltrusch

62 Chapter 3 Figure 6: Local discomfort in the one-handed bank position task. Brackets indicate significant differences between the control (without) and exoskeleton condition (with); 0=no discomfort, 10=maximal discomfort. Table 2: User’s Impression assessed by VAS scales. Median Interquartile range VAS scale Adjustability Donning and Doffing 2.1 1.2-6.1 0=very easy 10=very difficult Length Adjustment 4 2.1-6.9 0=very easy 10=very difficult Range of Motion 4.1 3.1-5.9 0=not restricted 10=heavily restricted Efficacy Reduction of back loading 6.3 4.1-7.8 0=high reduction 10=no reduction Support of tasks 6.4 4.9-7.6 0=high support 10=no support Interference with tasks 3.3 2.0-5.9 0=no interference 10=high interference