Saskia Baltrusch

71 Chapter 3 TASK 2: Carrying Equipment: - Stopwatch - 10 m clear pathway (with clearly marked starting and stopping points) - The box (same as in Test 1) and the load (maximal load, lifted in Test 1) Outcome measures: - Performance time (s) - Perceived task difficulty (VAS scale) - Discomfort (VAS scale) Protocol: The subject lifts the load with his/her own technique, then walks 10 m as fast as possible. Only the walking time (not lifting) is recorded. Mark the starting and ending points. Stop recording time when both feet are over the 10 m line. The subject should not run, but walk as fast as possible. Instruction to subject: Lift the load slowly, then carry it to the 10m line (start on our cue). Stop after the line and put down the load slowly. Perform this task as fast as possible, but still in a safe and comfortable way. Do not run. 3