Saskia Baltrusch

75 Chapter 3 TASK 6: Sit-to-stand Equipment: - Stopwatch - Chair Outcome measures: - Performance time (s) - Perceived task difficulty (VAS scale) - Discomfort (VAS scale) Protocol: The subject starts in an upright standing. The aim is to sit down and stand up 5 times as fast as possible. It is important that fully extended posture is reached at the top, and that the full weight of the body is transferred on the chair while sitting down (to prevent bouncing movement). Therefore, the subject must lift the feet from the floor when he/she sits down to ensure that the weight of the body is transferred to the chair. Instructions to subject: Sit down and stand up 5 times in a row, while crossing your arms in front of your chest. Make sure that your whole weight is on the chair in the bottom position and that you do not bounce off the chair. Make sure that you fully extend your hips when standing up (show incorrect and correct movement). Perform this task as fast as possible, but still in a safe and comfortable way. 3