Saskia Baltrusch

76 Chapter 3 TASK 7: Stair climbing Equipment: - Stopwatch - Stair case (min. 10 stairs) Outcome measures: - Performance time (s) - Perceived task difficulty (VAS scale) - Discomfort (VAS scale) Protocol: The subject stands in an upright position at the bottom of the staircase. On our cue, he/she climbs the stairs as fast as possible, without skipping steps. At the top of the stairs the subject turns around and goes downstairs again. Use of handrails is not allowed. Time is stopped when subject touches the floor with both feet again. Instruction to subject: Walk the staircase all the way up, turn around and walk down again. Do not skip the steps. You are not allowd to use the handrails. Perform this task as fast as possible, but still in a safe and comfortable way.