Saskia Baltrusch

79 Chapter 3 TASK 10: Wide stance Equipment: - Pre-prepared scale on the floor with 13 marks at intervals of 20cms (see picture below) Outcome measures: - Maximal distance - Perceived task difficulty (VAS scale) - Discomfort (VAS scale) Protocol: The subject starts in an upright standing at the middle mark. He/she then aims to reach out as far as possible by abducting the hips. The subject gradually increases the distance between his/her feet by putting them on the next mark. He/she should be able to come up from the final position without the help of the hands or falling down. If this occurs, the measured distance does not count. Instruction to subject: Stand like this and reach out with your feet as far as possible (show the task yourself). Be sure that you are able to come back from the final position without falling down or using your hands, otherwise the test is invalid. 3