Dorien Brouwer

116 Chapter 2.2 PART 2 two sessions (per protocol analysis). The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. Table 1: Baseline characteristics ( N=136) Intervention n=68 Control n=68 p Sex (male), n (%) 39 (57) 46 (68) 0.43 Age (years), mean (SD) 64 (13) 62 (14) 0.84 Event characteristics: Event type (TIA), n (%) 21 (31) 22 (32) 0.96 i Stroke etiology (TOAST) 1 , n (%) Large vessel disease 15 (22) 10 (14) 0.20 Cardiac embolism 6 (9) 4 (6) 0.16 Small vessel disease 7 (10) 15 (22) 0.09 Other 2 (3) 6 (9) 0.17 Undetermined 38 (56) 33 (49) 0.85 NIHSS score 2 , median (IQ) 0 (0-1) 0 (0-2) 0.93 Vascular history, n (%) TIA 13 (20) 5 (7) 0.09 Ischemic stroke 10 (15) 11 (16) 0.90 Ischemic heart disease 18 (27) 16 (24) 0.89 Atrial fibrillation 3 (4) 4 (6) 0.77 Peripheral arterial disease 5 (7) 3 (4) 0.43 No vascular history 35 (51) 37 (54) 0.98 Lifestyle: Smoking, n(%) 10 (15) 18 (26) 0.09 i Alcohol abuse, n (%) 10 (15) 6 (9) 0.29 Physical exercise 3 (min/day), median (IQ) 71 (29-174) 69 (24-150) 0.66 Physical exercise > 30 min a day n (%) 44 (73) 43 (68) 0.43 Overall dietscore 4 , median (IQ) from -17 to +19 1.0 ( -2 -3) 1 (-1-2) 0.63 BMI (kg/m 2 ), mean (SD) 28 (4.8) 27 (5.2) 0.70 Overweight (BMI>25), n(%) 46 (74) 43 (65) 0.27