Dorien Brouwer

159 PHD PORTFOLIO Year ECTS Research skills Methodology of research and preparation of grant applications 2009 1 Evidence based Care for nurses 2011 1 GCP registration course (BROK) 2013 1 International presentations ESC, London, poster presentation 2013 1 ESC, Nice, poster presentation 2014 1 ESC, Nice, oral presentation 2014 1 ESOC, Glasgow, poster presentation 2015 1 ESOC Barcelona, poster presentation 2016 1 ESOC, Prague, poster presentation 2017 1 National presentations Scientific meeting neurovascular group, Amsterdam 2013 1 Annual congress V&VN, Driebergen 2014 1 Seminars and workshops Motivational Interviewing training V&VN, Zevenhuizen 2011 1 Motivational Interviewing Expert training (6 days), Eindhoven 2013 2 Continuing coaching in Motivational interviewing, Eindhoven 2013-2016 2 European Stroke Organisation Conference, Gothenborg 2018 1 European Stroke Organisation Conference, Milan 2019 1 Rotterdam Stroke Service Conference 2018-2020 2 COEUR: patient central in research 2019 1 Teaching activities Supervising medical student Master thesis 2016 2 Supervising medical student Master thesis 2015 2 Supervising medical student Master thesis 2014 2 Lectures for geriatric, ER and stroke nurses at Erasmus MC and Albeda college 2009-present 2 Other President of group of stroke nurses Rijnmond 2007-present 1 Member of stakeholders committee of Benefit trial 2018-present 1 Funding Funding from Evidence Based care for Nurses fund (25.000), Erasmus MC, Rotterdam 2014 31 .