Dorien Brouwer

25 Determinants of intention to change health-related behavior and actual change PART 1 score was calculated, ranging from -17 to +19, the higher the score, the more favorable the dietary pattern. [36] · Actual smoking status was assessed with questions on current smoking status, how many years they have smoked and how much cigarettes a patient smokes a day. Smoking was defined as current smoking. Furthermore, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference were measured at baseline and 3 months thereafter. Table 1: Baseline characteristics ( N=100) Sex (male), n (%) 60 (60) Age (years), mean (SD) 64 (12) Event characteristics: Event type (TIA), n (%) 53 (53) Stroke etiology (TOAST) 1 , n (%) Large vessel disease 13 (13) Cardiac embolism 15 (15) Small vessel disease 19 (19) Other 0 Undetermined 53 (53) NIHSS score 2 , median (IQ) 3 (1-5) Vascular history, n (%) TIA 18 (18) Ischemic stroke 15 (15) Ischemic heart disease 36 (36) Atrial fibrillation 11 (11) Peripheral arterial disease 8 (8) No vascular history 49 (49) Cognition and depression: Score on MoCA 3 , median (IQ) scores from 0-30 24 (21-26) Score on CES-D 4 , median (IQ) scores from 0-30 7 (5-13) Vascular risk factors: Hypertension, n (%) 65 (65)