Dorien Brouwer

44 Chapter 1.2 PART 1 Most participants named exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, and alcohol intake as unhealthy. “A lot of exercise, healthy eating. And smoking is not a part of this and not drinking.” (03, M53) “Smoking is bad, alcohol is bad and eating fat is bad.” (16, V48) Many aspects on what a healthy lifestyle should include were mentioned. A patient remarked that food should be eaten throughout the day and patients mentioned that the diet should not contain too much fat. Another patient thought that drinking a lot of water is important. “Do not eat fat. Andmove a lot and drink well, drink lots of water. Lot of raw vegetables and .. fish .. chicken and something you know .. ” (18, V72) Patients reported that working in their garden, walking with the dog or walking stairs at work was enough exercise during the day. “Movement, yes I have enough. I walk up and down the stairs all day and go to the studio.” (009, M59) More than half of the patients were satisfied with their own lifestyle. One third of the patients rated their dietary pattern as good, and felt no need to change. “No complaints about my lifestyle. Because I feel pretty good now, why would I change things.” ( 01, M71) General barriers and facilitators Five patients named lack of knowledge as a barrier for behavior change, in particular in relation to dietary behavior. “And furthermore they just let me find out ... they just let me figure it all out for myself, they do not say what you can do best.” (11, M70)