Dorien Brouwer

64 Chapter 1.3 PART 1 and fruits and vegetables over the week before the visit. An overall cardiovascular dietary score was calculated, ranging from -17 to +19, the higher the score, the more favorable the dietary pattern. [38] · Smoking status was assessed with questions on current smoking status, how many years they have smoked, and how much cigarettes a patient smokes a day. Smoking was defined as current smoking. · Cognitive impairment was assessed with Montreal Cognitive assessment (MoCA), a rapid screening instrument for cognitive impairment, in particular for stroke patients. [39] Statistical analysis Self-efficacy was dichotomized into high self-efficacy and low self-efficacy based on the median self-efficacy score. Differences in demographic data, event characteristics, vascular history and risk factors, health-related behavior, cognition, depressive symptoms, fear, and social support, between low and high self-efficacy were studied with t-tests. Non- normal distributed data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U tests. We studied the relation between correlates of behavior change and low self-efficacy with univariable logistic regression analysis. Physical activity was unequally distributed and was log transformed, before the univariable lineair regression analysis. Correlates with a p-value of <0.06 were further analyzed with multivariable logistic regression. The relation between correlates and continuous self-efficacy score were also analyzed in univariable and multivariable linear regression. Statistical analysis were performed with STATA 12.1 statistical package (Statacorp, College Station, Texas). Results Ninety-two patients were included between February and October 2012. Mean age was 64 years (SD 12), 55 (60%) of the patients were male and 49 (53%) had a TIA (Table 1). Patients had a moderately healthy lifestyle; median physical exercise was 137 minutes a day (interquartile range 62-219), mean BMI was 27 (SD 3.6) and median overall diet score 0 (interquartile range -2-2). Only 5 (6%) patients used more alcohol than advised and 32 (35%) of the patients were smokers. Median total self-efficacy score at baseline was 4.3 (IQR 3.9-4.7, Table 2) and self-efficacy didn’t change in three months follow-up (data not shown). Thirty patients (33%) had low self-efficacy scores for health-related behavior change.