Dorien Brouwer

General introduction 9 Part 1. Determinants of health-related behavior change after TIA or minor ischemic stroke 17 Chapter 1.1 Determinants of intention to change health-related behavior and actual change in patients with TIA or minor ischemic stroke 19 Chapter 1.2 Patients perspectives of health-related behavior change after TIA or ischemic stroke 39 Chapter 1.3 Self-efficacy and its determinants for health-related behavior change in patients with TIA or minor ischemic stroke 59 Chapter 1.4 Changes in determinants of health-related behavior after TIA or minor ischemic stroke over time 75 Part 2. Supporting patients in health-related behavior change after TIA or minor ischemic stroke 87 Chapter 2.1 Health education in patients with recent stroke or transient ischemic attack; a comprehensive review 89 Chapter 2.2 Motivational interviewing to support lifestyle behavior change after TIA or minor ischemic stroke at a nurse-led outpatient clinic 109 General discussion 129 Summary/ Samenvatting 141 Dankwoord/ PhD portfolio/ About the author 153 CONTENTS