Kim Annink

101 The long-term effect of perinatal asphyxia on hippocampal volumes Memory and IQ in HIE Short-term memory, verbal working memory and total verbal long-term memory were comparable between children following HIE and controls and no difference was found between boys and girls. Long-term episodic memory (verbal long-term memory, visuospatial long-term memory and verbal associative learning) was significantly impaired in children with HIE2 compared to the controls. The IQ of the controls was significantly higher than that of children with HIE. The IQ in children with HIE2 was not found to be significantly lower than 100 in a one-sample t-test (p=0.068). IQ was not significantly different in boys and girls (boys: 104±19; girls: 100±18; p=0.292) The association between hippocampal volumes and cognition In univariate linear regression both hippocampal volume and ICV were positively associated with IQ (Figure 3), but the percentage hippocampus/ICV was not. All long-term episodic memory tests (verbal long-term memory, visuospatial long-term memory, verbal associative learning) and visuospatial short-term memory were significantly associated with percentage hippocampus/ICV (data not shown). Figure 3: The total hippocampal volume (A) and the total intracranial volume (B) were both significantly associated with IQ. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient between IQ and hippo- campal volume was 0.52 (p<0.001) and between IQ and intracranial volume 0.43 (p<0.001). In multivariable linear regression, the degree of HIE was significantly associated with all long-term episodic memory and IQ models. The percentage hippocampus/ICV was a significant predictor for visuospatial long-term memory (Table 2). 5