Kim Annink

102 Chapter 5 Table 2: Predictors included in the final linear regression model per memory or IQ test. Test Group 1 Percentage hippocampus/ICV Age SES 2 Gender Age* percentage hippocampus/ICV Group* SES Verbal short-term memory x Visuospatial short-term memory x x Verbal working memory Verbal long-term memory (immediate) x Verbal long-term memory (total) x Verbal long-term memory (delayed) x Visuospatial long-term memory (immediate) x x x x Visuospatial long-term memory (total) x x x x Visuospatial long-term memory (delayed; RVDLT RECALL) x x Visuospatial long-term memory (delayed; RFCT RECALL) x Verbal associative learning (immediate) x x x Verbal associative learning (total) x IQ x x 1 Group: HIE1, HIE2, controls. 2 Socioeconomic status (educational level of mother): 1=no education or primary school, 2=lower technical or vocational training, 3=lower secondary education, 4=higher secondary education, 5=higher education e.g. university. Category 1, 2 and 3 were combined for multivariable linear regression.