Kim Annink

121 The papez circuit and school-age outcome in HIE Correlations between the different brain volumes were calculated with Pearson’s correlation or Spearman’s correlation test, depending on the normality. Lastly, multivariable logistic regression was performed with a binary outcome measure (abnormal <-1SD) as dependent variable and total hippocampal volume or MB atrophy, total white matter, total grey matter, total lateral ventricle and total cerebellar volume as independent variables regarding multicollinearity. This analysis was performed to take other brain structures into account when assessing the effect of either hippocampal volume or MB atrophy on outcome. Again, variables with a p-value <0.05 were retained in the model and those with a p-value ≥0.1 deleted. In general, p-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. However, p-values were corrected for multiple comparison by dividing 0.05 by the number of brain volumes/tests. RESULTS Neonatal and childhood characteristics Fifty patients were included in the study. For the non-HT group 38 patients were approached and 28 were included (72%). For the HT group 32 patients were approached and 22 were included (69%). See Figure 2 for the flowchart. In the non-HT group 6 of 38 approached patients (16%) had CP and in the HT group 1 of the 32 approached patients (3%), most of them were too severely affected to take part in the study. The median birthweight was significantly lower in the non-HT group compared to the HT group. The median Apgar at 1 minute after birth was significantly lower in the HT group and the lactate significantly higher, which suggests that the HT group had more severe perinatal asphyxia. At school-age, though not significantly different, in the non-HT group 7.1% of the children had epilepsy with anticonvulsive medication and none in the HT group. In the non-HT group 60.7% had no hearing or visual problems compared to 77.3% in the HT group. 6