Kim Annink

139 The papez circuit and school-age outcome in HIE SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Supplemental Table 1: univariate associations between all volumes and outcome measures with p-value <0.05. Outcome measure Relative volume (%) or MB atrophy B-value R 2 value p-value TIQ Hippocampus 65.8 0.112 0.032 MB atrophy -9.6 0.337 <0.001** Putamen -85.7 0.161 0.009 Caudal anterior cingulate white matter -122.8 0.147 0.015 Rostal anterior cingulate white matter -188.3 0.191 0.005 Superior frontal white matter 29.8 0.129 0.023 Insula white matter -48.6 0.146 0.015 VIQ MB atrophy -7.1 0.211 0.002** Putamen -60.5 0.106 0.046 Superior frontal white matter 26.0 0.133 0.026 PIQ Hippocampus 88.8 0.190 0.006 MB atrophy -10.7 0.356 <0.001** Putamen -76.7 0.119 0.031 Caudal anterior cingulate white matter -116.1 0.124 0.030 Insula white matter -49.2 0.136 0.023 Rostal anterior cingulate cortex -100.6 0.115 0.040 Frontal cortex -124.3 0.109 0.046 Processing speed Hippocampus 97.2 0.234 0.002** MB atrophy -7.1 0.162 0.007 Amygdala 221.1 0.136 0.019 Thalamus 54.8 0.100 0.046 Corpus callosum 160.6 0.108 0.038 Caudal anterior cingulate white matter -115.5 0.114 0.036 Parahippocampal white matter 261.3 0.292 <0.001** Caudal anterior cingulate cortex -153.8 0.279 0.001** Parahippocampal cortex 157.2 0.160 0.013 Pericalcarina cortex 67.0 0.113 0.039 Rostal anterior cingulate cortex -96.7 0.136 0.023 6