Kim Annink

263 General discussion / Conclusions & clinical implications / Future directions virtual model of a two-month-old infant did not exceed the limits of an adult model as long as the infant was positioned in isocenter. Furthermore, it was feasible to obtain good quality images in the first twelve infants scanned at 7.0T. A safety study aiming to include 20 neonates is still ongoing. Awaiting the safety results of this study is essential before other studies can start. The methods of chapter ten to measure brain temperature will also be used to compare brain temperature between 3.0T and 7.0T MRI. In the near future 7.0T MRI might be used for specific indications such as diagnosis of metabolic diseases, detection of small white matter lesions, visualization of smaller arteries and veins. 7.0T MRI might also be useful to detect cerebellar injury, for example ulegyria in the vermis and hemispheres. The clinical significance of this added diagnostic value should be investigated in the future. 12