Kim Annink

305 Curriculum vitae CURRICULUM VITAE Kim Annink was born on May 11 th , 1992 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. She grew up in Bilthoven with her younger brother. After graduating in 2009, she started medical school at Utrecht University. During her study, she discovered her passion for pediatrics and research. She performed research projects during her medical training in pediatric hematology under supervision of dr. Marrie Bruin and dr. Katja Heitink, in pediatric infectious diseases under supervision of dr. Tom Wolfs and dr. Tjomme van der Bruggen and in pediatric rheumatology under supervision of professor Joost Frenkel and dr. Nienke ter Haar. After obtaining her medical degree, she was given the opportunity to start as a PhD candidate at the Neonatology department in the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital under supervision of professor Manon Benders, professor Frank van Bel, dr. Jeroen Dudink and dr. Niek van der Aa. Under supervision of professor Manon Benders and professor Frank van Bel, she set up and coordinated the Dutch part of a European randomized controlled trial investigating the neuroprotective effect of early allopurinol in infants with hypoxic- ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and coordinated the neuroimaging workpackage in all European centers. Furthermore, she worked on several projects on neuroimaging and follow-up in infants with HIE. During her PhD, Kim followed the PhD Curriculum “training upcoming leaders in pediatric science (TULIPS)” and a post-processing neuroimaging course in Boston, United States of America. She was also active as a student supervisor and organized several public events to give children the opportunity to learn more about research and neonatal neurology. In June 2020, she started as a resident not in training (ANIOS) at the department of Pediatrics in the Antonius Hospital. Kim is married with Joost Anker and lives in Utrecht. 14