Kim Annink

65 Cerebellar injury in HIE: MRI versus histopathology CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, ADC values were lower in the vermis and DN of infants with HIE compared to controls. However, ADC values were not different in the cerebellar hemispheres, even though there was histopathological injury. ADC values in the vermis were correlated with the number of injured PCs. Furthermore, there were no correlations between ADC values and histopathological measures, implying that normal ADC values do not guarantee a lack of injury to the cerebellum. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Liska Scheffers and Benthe Bogers for their help with the histopathological analyses. FUNDING The PhD position of the first author Kim V. Annink is funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation Program of the European Union (call H2020-PHC-2015-two- stage, grant 667224, ALBINO). DISCLOSURES Floris Groenendaal is expert witness in cases of perinatal asphyxia. The other authors have no conflict of interest to declare. 3