Kim Annink

81 Cerebral ultrasound scoring system for neonates with HIE Table 3: Univariate association of the items on CUS (day three to seven) and adverse outcome. Item Category Patients per category, n OR (95% CI) Cerebral edema Normal-mild 70 - Moderate 12 14.4 (2.9-72.3) Severe 1 Thalamus Normal-mild 45 - Moderate 32 26.7 (6.7-106.2) Severe 5 Putamen Normal-mild 66 - Moderate 15 7.9 (2.2-28.2) Severe 1 Four column sign Normal 67 - Abnormal 14 10.0 (2.5-39.9) PLIC Normal 59 - Abnormal 23 11.1 (3.6-34.2) Periventricular white matter Normal-mild 32 - Moderate 43 9.2 (2.4-34.9) Severe 8 16.1 (2.5-103.6) Subcortical white matter Normal-mild 42 - Moderate 35 4.0 (1.5-11.1) Severe 6 8.5 (1.3-54.8) Resistance index Normal 60 - Abnormal 8 16.3 (1.9-142.6) In the multivariable analysis the RI (0-1 point), the sum of the deep grey matter (0-6 points) and of the white matter involvement (0-6 points) were included. The deep grey matter involvement was the sum of thalamus, putamen, PLIC and four column sign subscores. White matter involvement included edema, subcortical white matter and periventricular white matter subscores. The grey and white matter subscores of cohort I on both days are shown in Figure 2 per outcome group. 4