Kim Annink

97 The long-term effect of perinatal asphyxia on hippocampal volumes right hippocampal volume and the total intracranial volume (ICV) were segmented using FreeSurfer, (19) (Figure 1). The total intracranial volume is the volume of the brain including the ventricles and extracerebral space. The total hippocampal volume is the sum of the right and left hippocampal volume. The total hippocampal volume was divided by ICV to correct for any differences in ICV, referred to as “percentage hippocampus/ICV”. Figure 1: Regions of interest for automated brain segmentation of the hippocampus. Left image: transversal view, middle: coronal view and right: sagittal view. Memory and Intelligence Quotient tests For a comprehensive description of the tests, we refer to a previously published study of this cohort (10). In summary, the following neuropsychological tests were performed: 1. Short-term memory:   a) Verbal short-term memory: Digit Span forward task of the Wechsler     Intelligence Scale for Children, Dutch version (WISC-III-NL) (20).   b) Visuospatial short-term memory: Spatial Memory test of the Kaufman-     Assessment Battery for Children (KABC) (21). 2. Verbal working memory: Digit Span backward task of the WISC-III-NL (20). 3. Long-term episodic memory:   a) Verbal long-term memory: Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) (22).   b) Visuospatial long-term memory: Rey Visual Design Learning Test (RVDLT) and     Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) (23).   c) Verbal associative learning: Learning Names of the Revisie Amsterdamse 5