Kim Annink

Chapter 1 General introduction 8
Chapter 2 Uneven distribution of Purkinje cell injury in the cerebellar vermis of term neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 30
Chapter 3 Cerebellar injury in term neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy is underestimated with antemortem diffusion weighted MRI in comparison to postmortem histopathology 48
Chapter 4 The development and validation of a cerebral ultrasound scoring system for infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 70
Chapter 5 The long-term effect of perinatal asphyxia on hippocampal volumes 92
Chapter 6 The Papez Circuit and school-age outcome following neonatal hypoxicischemic encephalopathy 112
Chapter 7 Allopurinol: Old Drug, New Indication in Neonates? 146
Chapter 8 Effect of allopurinol in addition to hypothermia treatment in neonates for hypoxic-ischemic brain injury on neurocognitive outcome (ALBINO): study protocol of a blinded randomized placebo-controlled parallel group multicenter trial for superiority (phase III) 172
Chapter 9 Pharmacokinetic evaluation of the allopurinol dosing regimen in term infants with perinatal asphyxia in the ALBINO trial 192
Chapter 10 Brain temperature of infants with neonatal encephalopathy following perinatal asphyxia calculated using magnetic resonance spectroscopy 216
Chapter 11 Introduction of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging in infants: preparations and feasibility 234
General discussion 254
Conclusions & clinical implications 264
Future directions 265
Nederlandse samenvatting (summary in Dutch) 278
List of abbreviations 292
List of coauthors 295
List of publications 303
Curriculum vitae 305
Dankwoord (Acknowledgments) 306