Caren van Roekel

122 Chapter 4 TABLE 1. Baseline characteristics of patients who underwent same-day simulation and treatment with 166 Ho-radioembolization Characteristic Value N patients 120 Age (y) (median, range) 62 (37-87) Sex Male 76 (63%) Female 44 (37%) Study HEPAR1 21 HEPAR2 46 HEPAR PLuS 29 SIM 24 Primary tumor Colorectalcarcinoma 62 (52%) Neuroendocriene tumor 31 (26%) Ocular melanoma 11 (9%) Breast 6 (5%) Cholangiocarcinoma 5 (4%) Pancreatic cancer 2 (2%) Gastric cancer 1 (1%) Thymoma 1 (1%) WHO performance status 0 88 (73%) 1 29 (24%) 2 3 (3%) Extrahepatic deposition No 99 (94%) Yes 6 (6%) Type of treatment Whole liver, single session 82 Whole liver, sequential 3 Right lobe only 16 Left lobe only 4 Activity 166 Ho scout in MBq (median, range) 264 (81-338) Activity treatment in MBq (median, range) 6706 (1580-13,725) The parameters post-treatment lung shunt fraction, extrahepatic deposition, type of treatment, activity scout and activity treatment are only given for the 105 patients who underwent treatment.