Caren van Roekel

144 Chapter 5 Inter-observer variability Discordant conclusions were drawn in five patients, for whom the third rater gave the final call. The level of agreement in RECIST categories was adequate with a Cohen’s kappa of 0.895 (95% CI 0.805-0.985), p<0.001. Response according to RECIST 1.1 At baseline, 42/90 (47%) patients had extrahepatic metastases, which increased to 67/90 (74%) patients at three-months follow-up (Figure 1). FIGURE 1. Site of extrahepatic metastases at baseline and at 3-months follow-up. (a) Type and number of affected organs in patients with extrahepatic metastases at baseline. Bars depict absolute number of patients. In total 50 affected organs in 42 patients. (b) As in (a), for three-months follow-up. In total 119 affected organs in 67 patients. Lymph nodes and lung are most affected at baseline and three-months follow- up.