Caren van Roekel

194 Chapter 7 TABLE 3. Percentage change in mean absorbed dose (Gy) per response category (95%CI) Progressive disease Stable disease Partial response Complete response* Patient-level n=8 n=17 n=11 n=1 Unadjusted reference 53.8 (5.6 - 24.2) 74.6 (18.6 - 57.6) - P trend =0.012 Adjusted† reference 62.0(10.4 - 136.0) 77.3 (18.3 - 163.6) - P trend =0.019 Patient-level ‡ n=23 n=6 n=7 n=1 Unadjusted reference 29.8 (-15.1 - 98.6) 44.4 (1.4 - 106.0) - P trend =0.041 Adjusted† reference 18.7 (-24.3 - 85.4) 38.1 (-5.8 - 101.9) - P trend =0.12 Tumor-level n=23 n=49 n=20 n=23 Unadjusted reference 31.1 (-3.2 - 78.8) 71.5 (17.1 - 150.4) 95.2 (34.7 - 183.6) P trend =0.00030 Adjusted reference 35.2 (0.2 - 87.5) 72.2 (16.6 - 151.3) 94.8 (33.9 - 188.4) P trend =0.00068 Interpretation at tumor level: the average dose is 95.23% higher in CR than PD (95%CI 4.69- 183.62%). *as there was only one patient with complete metabolic response, the categories complete response and partial response were taken together at a patient level. † The analyses were adjusted for previous treatment and tumorload or tumor volume (tumor-level analyses). ‡ including the development of new lesions, in which case patients were categorized as having progressive disease.