Caren van Roekel

252 Chapter 9 TABLE S2. CTCAE grading of new toxicity per patient during three months from baseline* (continued) Toxicity Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Back pain 3 1 Bloating 1 1 Joint pain 4 Nocturnal transpiration 1 Diarrhea 1 Constipation 2 Cough 1 Hypotensia 1 Chills 2 Ascites 1 2 Malaise 3 1 Hepatic failure 1** Weight loss 5 Any clinical toxicity 6 12 4 1 CTCAE scores of new laboratory and toxicity during three months after treatment (highest CTCAE grades per laboratory value are represented). *Represented for the 21 patients who underwent treatment. **Radioembolization-induced liver disease.