Caren van Roekel

53 Radioembolization evaluation using the PERCIST criteria may be a better mainstay for clinicians (107). However, PERCIST comes with several logistical challenges before allowing physicians to compare baseline and follow-up imaging (108). FIGURE 9A-D. Figure a shows a contrast-enhanced CT image of a metastasis of an intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in a 80-year-old woman. Figure b shows a contrast- enhanced CT image of the same metastasis 3 months later, after treatment with radioembolization (120 Gy Theraspheres). Figure c shows a baseline PET/CT image of the same metastases. Figure d shows a PET/CT image of the same metastasis 3 months after treatment. 8. RESPONSE Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common type of cancer and the third cancer-related cause of death worldwide. The incidence is highest in Asia and rising in the US. Risk factors of HCC are hepatitis C virus infection, 2