Koos Boeve

112 Chapter 6 Table3. Correlationof copynumber andproteinexpression resultswithoccult nodalmetastasis N-classification* N0 N+ p-value CCND1 copy number Normal Low-level amplification High-level amplification 80 (83%) 13 (72%) 12 (50%) 17 (17%) 5 (28%) 12 (50%) 0.004 Cyclin D1 Normal expression Overexpression 76 (84%) 38 (61%) 14 (16%) 24 (39%) 0.001 FADD Normal expression Overexpression 101 (81%) 16 (53%) 23 (19%) 14 (47%) 0.001 Cortactin Normal expression Overexpression 102 (80%) 13 (54%) 26 (20%) 11 (46%) 0.008 Cyclin D1 / FADD / Cortactin All normal expression Mixed expression All overexpression 67 (85%) 38 (72%) 7 (41%) 12 (15%) 15 (28%) 10 (59%) 0.001 * Final N-classification is based on either histological confirmation after neck dissection or follow-up of at least 2 years. In bold: the negative predictive value (NPV) in early OSCC. Table 4. Correlation of CCND1 by FISH and cyclin D1 by IHC with occult nodal metastasis N-classification* Tongue (cT1-2cN0) FOM (cT1-2cN0) N0 N+ p-value N0 N+ p-value CCND1 by FISH Normal Low of high-level amplification 51 (76%) 10 (43%) 16 (24%) 13 (57%) 0.004 29 (97%) 15 (79%) 1 (3%) 4 (21%) 0.067 Cyclin D1 by IHC Normal expression Overexpression 37 (76%) 21 (54%) 12 (24%) 18 (46%) 0.033 39 (95%) 17 (74%) 2 (5%) 6 (26%) 0.021 * Final N-classification is based on either histological confirmation after neck dissection or follow-up of at least 2 years. In bold: the negative predictive value (NPV) in early OSCC. Abbreviations: FOM, floor of mouth; FISH, fluorescence in-situ hybridization. Tumor characteristics and cyclin D1 expression Cyclin D1 overexpression is correlated with increased infiltration depth (>4 mm, p = 0.001). Cyclin D1 expression was not correlated with unfavorable growth patterns in the primary tumor such as vascular invasive growth, perineural growth, noncohesive growth