Koos Boeve

62 Chapter 3 Table 3. Characteristics of the four patients with isolated regional recurrence Variables Patients with isolated regional recurrence 1 2 3 4 Tumour Tongue Cheek mucosa Tongue FOM pT classification 1 1 2 2 Infiltration depth (mm) 8 5.0 3.7 2.7 Border growth Pushing Infiltrative Infiltrative Infiltrative Resection margins Free Free Free Free Perineural growth or Lympho- / angioinvasion Yes, both No No No Differentation grade Good Moderate Moderate Moderate Reresection Yes No No No Postoperative radiotherapy Tumour & Neck No No No SLNB side Ipsilateral Ipsilateral Both Both Positive SLN side Ipsilateral NA Contralateral NA MRND side Ipsilateral NA Contralateral NA Regional recurrence side Contralateral Ipsilateral Ipsilateral Ipsilateral Number of SLNs recurrence side NA 3 1 1 Number of positive SLNs recurrence side NA 0 0 0 SLN level recurrence side NA Level II Level II Level II Recurrence level Level I + II Level Ib + IV Level Ib, II, IV Level Ib Number of LNs (positive / total ) 2/44 (ENE+) 6/41 4/46 NA † Maximum diameter regional recurrence metastasis (mm) 25 12 15 13 † Time between 1st treatment and rec. (months) 4 9.2 5.5 19 Total follow-up (months) 27 36 9 25 Dead of disease NA NA Yes NA Abbreviations: SLNB: sentinel lymph node biopsy. MRND: modified radical neck dissection. NA: not applicable. ENE: extranodal extension. † The isolated regional recurrence of patient 4 was not operatively removed, therefore only clinical data was available.