Koos Boeve

74 Chapter 4 Table 1. Patient characteristics Characteristics No. (%) Total number of patients 53 (100) Gender Male 29 (55) Female 24 (45) Age y mean (SD) 65 (55-75) (range) (44-88) pT status (7 th TNM) 1 44 (83) 2 9 (17) Tumour locations Tongue 31 (58) FOM 9 (17) Buccal mucosa 5 (9) Inferior alveolar process 4 (8) Other 4 (8) Previous treatment or surgery ipsilateral neck No 10 (19) RT alone 8 (15) ND alone 16 (30) ND + RT 8 (15) CRT 2 (4) SLNB 9 (17) Previous treatment or surgery contralateral neck No 25 (47) RT alone 9 (17) ND alone 6 (11) ND + RT 6 (11) CRT 2 (4) SLNB 5 (9) Follow-up Follow-up time months, median (IQR) 26 (13-42) Regional recurrence 1 (1) Death 13 (25) Death of local recurrence or second primary 4 (8) Ipsilateral and contralateral side of the neck is related to the side of the local recurrence or the second primary. Abbreviations: FOM, floor of mouth; RT, radiotherapy; ND, neck dissection; CRT, chemoradiation; SLNB, sentinel lymph node biopsy