Marlot Kuiper

Intermezzo: Developing research routines 7. Artefacts in action: On workable artefacts 7.1 Introduction 7.2 From artefact to artefactual arrangement 7.3 Artefacts’ affordances 7.4 Artefacts in action 7.5 Artefacts in performance-oriented contexts 7.6 Main findings and reflections 7.7 A model for artefacts in professional contexts 7.8 To conclude Intermezzo: ‘The reflexive professional’ 8. Conclusion 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Why care about surgical care? 8.3 Answering the sub research questions 8.4 Answering the central research question 8.5 A model for routines in performance-oriented professional contexts 8.6 Implications of this research 8.7 Connective Routines Bibliography Summary Samenvatting in het Nederlands (Summary in Dutch) Appendix I. Research log II. Excerpt fieldnotes Dankwoord (Aknowledgements) About the author 201 205 206 207 212 223 231 233 237 238 241 245 246 248 250 260 262 264 281 282 310 318 328 328 330 332 338