Marlot Kuiper

List of figures and tables Figure 1: Structure of the chapters Figure 2: Theory informed analytical framework Figure 3: WHO Surgical Safety Checklist (1 st edition) Figure 4: The checklist as used at St. Sebastian’s Figure 5: Fragment internal memo at Plainsboro Figure 6: Composition of the surgical team Figure 7: The surgical trajectory Figure 8: The aviation industry as an example for checklist use Figure 9: Soup protocol Figure 10: Stratification of the ostensive dimension across professional groups Figure 11: Stratification of the ostensive dimensionwithin professional groups Figure 12: A model for routine dynamics in professional contexts Figure 13: Envisioned routine connections Figure 14: A model for routine interactions in professional contexts Figure 15: Artefactual representation of the checklist in St. Sebastian’s Figure 16: An operating theatre Figure 17: Excerpt time-out checklist St. Sebastian’s Figure 18: Time as a means to track performance Figure 19: A model for routines and artefacts in professional contexts Figure 20: Amodel for routines in performance-oriented professional contexts Table 1: The classic model of professionalism Table 2: Definitions and taxonomy of standards Table 3: Schematic overview of the data collection Table 4: Artefactual arrangements to model the checklist routine Table 5: Artefacts’ affordances Box 1: The Surgical Safety Checklist Box 2: The surgical team Box 3: The surgical trajectory