Marlot Kuiper

209 the team can write down names, phone numbers, and patient information. The tabloid-sized whiteboards are material representations of the checklist. In short, although Plainsboro thus ‘goes digital’ there are supportive artefacts that are more tangible. St. Sebastian’s In St. Sebastian’s, there is one representation of the checklist rule that serves as a model for the routine. In St. Sebastian’s, the representation of the checklist rule is a three-page paper version of the checklist. It encompasses coloured bocks that indicate when in the process which checks have to be performed, who is in the lead and who is responsible (figure 15). Important to note is that the version of the safety checklist adopted by St. Sebastian’s is SURPASS, a SURgical PAtient Safety System by Dutch design, comparable with the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist, but not based on this format (see also chapter 3). SURPASS encompasses the whole surgical process, from when the patient enters the holding, until the patient leaves the hospital. The paper checklist has to physically accompany the patient along its’ way throughout the hospital. The checklist needs to be filled out at different stages in the process, for example time-out at the OR and handover at recovery. The same artefact thus serves the purposes of both checking and registration. 7