Marlot Kuiper

30 Connective Routines Sociology of Professions and Science and Technology Studies, I develop a framework that guides the empirical part of the research. How can professional standards in performance-oriented medical practice be studied? (chapter 4) This question is about the research design. In chapter 4, I will explain how contextualized practices were studied and why an ethnographic approach best fits the research question. I will detail about methods for data collection and analysis, and also discuss the position of the researcher and ethical concerns. “How do standards work out in medical teams?” (chapter 5) This sub question focuses on the first part of the framework; the internal routine dynamics. By tracing the ostensive and performative aspects of a safety checklist routine by surgical teams, I show how team members are connected (or not) in a checklist routine, and how these connections influence the ostensive- performative dynamics. I show how different abstract understandings of the checklist enable different activity patterns. How does a (new) checklist routine relate to existing routines? (chapter 6) This sub question focuses on the interactions between the envisioned checklist routine and the already existing routines that constitute professional work in surgical care; the second part of the framework. By zooming in on the interaction of various routines, this question covers the complex professional context in which new standards are introduced. How do artefacts affect how standards work in medical teams? (chapter 7) The final empirical question explicitly focuses on artefacts; the third part in the analytical frame. The focal point of this chapter are the material and digital representations the checklist, and how these different representations of the routine affect routine dynamics. Further, other artefacts that might affect routine dynamics, such as the physical environment, are included in the analysis.