Marlot Kuiper

59 Standardization in professional settings and confirmation (Romig et al., 2016; Winters et al., 2009). Such checklists are generally used in team-based settings where the various tasks are done by various team members. A designated actor reads out the items on the checklist, and each responsible party verifies completion of this specific task. The Surgical Safety Checklist is an example of such a static sequential checklist. For example, the surgeon verifies the patient’s identity, the procedure and surgical site and asks about availability of equipment – to which the nurse assisting the operation would confirm the information. Subsequently, the surgeon will ask about the patient’s medical condition and the availability of blood – to which the anaesthesiologist would respond. So although checklists are mostly identified as ‘memory aid’, authors have considered the multiple interactions that are required to complete the checklist. Therefore, various other objectives of checklists like ‘improving collaboration’ and ‘improving commination’ have been identified (e.g. Winters et al., 2009). To summarize, a multitude of standards has entered the medical domain to improve professional performance; to make services more safe, efficient, and legitimate. As cases become increasingly complex, procedural standards are introduced to simplify and (re)structure work processes. A Surgical Safety Checklist is an example of a static sequential checklist that consists of sharply defined action patterns that structures work in team settings. Hence, wider purposes than mere ‘error reduction’ have been recognized, checklists should also improve collaboration. Despite checklists can be identified as procedural standard, their mandatory character (e.g. Hospital Boards, Inspectorates and accreditation organisations) makes that they can equally be considered performance standard. Box 1 in chapter 4 provides more details and background information about the Surgical Safety Checklist, which is the focal standard of this dissertation. The next section integrates the insights on professionals and standards and explores their relation. 2.4 Professionals and standards Now that I’ve discussed the main concepts of this study, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at their interrelation. The final theoretical question is: “How can we conceptualize linkages between professionals and standards?” 2