Marlot Kuiper

Contents Preface List of figures and tables 1. The challenge of working with checklists 1.1 Reforming professional services 1.2 Standardization in surgical care as case 1.3 The implementation problem 1.4 The professional as victim or strategic operator? 1.5 Research perspective: Routines 1.6 Research aim and questions 1.7 Structure of the book 1.8 Contributions of this study 1.9 Conclusion Intermezzo: The news media 2. Standardization in professional settings 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Professionals and professional work 2.3 Standards and standardization 2.4 Professionals and standards 2.5 Conclusion 3. Research Perspective: Professional routines 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Foundations of Routine Theory 3.3 Connections and connectivity 3.4 Research perspective: professional routines 3.5 Conclusion Intermezzo: The gate-keeper 6 12 15 16 19 20 22 23 27 31 33 35 37 41 42 42 53 59 63 65 66 66 75 77 80 83