Marlot Kuiper

1. The challenge of working with checklists 15
Intermezzo: The news media 37
2. Standardization in professional settings 41
3. Research Perspective: Professional routines 65
Intermezzo: The gate-keeper 83
4. On Ethnographying 89
Intermezzo: Getting responsibilities 121
5. How standards work out in medical teams: On routine dynamics 125
Intermezzo: Fainting and/or eating 161
6. Checklist as ‘hub’: On routine interactions 167
Intermezzo: Developing research routines 201
7. Artefacts in action: On workable artefacts 205
Intermezzo: ‘The reflexive professional’ 241
8. Conclusion 245
Bibliography 282
Summary 310
Samenvatting in het Nederlands (Summary in Dutch) 318
Appendix 328
Dankwoord (Aknowledgements) 332
About the author 338