Xuxi Zhang

Table 2 Components of the process evaluation, related research questions and method of measurement Component Research question Measurement Log books Focus groups Questio nnaire Project register Reach 1. What population was reached by UHCE approach? 1.1 How many persons accepted to participate in the UHCE approach? X 1.2 What were characteristics of persons who were lost to follow ‐ up between baseline and follow ‐ up? X Dose delivered and received 2. What dose of the intervention was actually delivered and received by which participants? 2.1 To what extent were three stages of the UHCE approach (assessment, shared ‐ decision making, care ‐ pathways) delivered to older persons? X 2.2 What were characteristics of persons who did not enroll in care ‐ pathways? X 2.3 What were reasons for non ‐ enrolment in care ‐ pathways? X Satisfaction and experience 3. What was the satisfaction and experience of main stakeholders involved in the UHCE approach? 3.1 Were older persons satisfied with the UHCE approach? X 3.2 What benefits, barriers and improvements did older persons, informal caregivers and professionals report? X Abbreviations: UHCE, Urban Health Centres Europe Focus groups To study the experience of main stakeholders involved (Table 2; question 3.2), focus groups 36 of 40 minutes to 1 hour each were held around the time of the follow ‐ up assessment 12 months after baseline with older persons, informal caregivers and professionals. Semi ‐ structured topic guides (Supplementary Table S1) were developed which included the following topics: 1) overall experience with the UHCE approach, 2) experience with the health assessment and care ‐ pathways, and 3) experience with shared ‐ decision making. For each of these topics, the guide included probe questions about benefits, barriers and improvements participants identified. In Manchester, two focus groups with five older persons/informal caregivers each were organized, in all other cities one focus group with 5 older persons/informal caregivers was organized. Older persons and caregivers with the following criteria were selected: being physically and mentally able to participate in the focus group and enrolled (or the person they cared for enrolled) in at least one care ‐ pathway. In each city except Manchester, one focus group with four to six social and health care professionals was 5 109 A coordinated preventive care approach for healthy ageing