Xuxi Zhang

visit with a health assessment by a nurse or health care provider. With the results of this house ‐ visit the care he/she receives might have been changed. This focus group interview is part of the evaluation of the UHCE study. We would like to know your opinion and experiences with this program the past year. This focus group will last about 40 ‐ 60 minutes. The focus group interview will be audio ‐ taped and the researcher will transcript this into a written transcript at a later date for the purpose of analysis. The information will be used anonymous, no names will be mentioned. With the information you give us our aim is to develop a template for an Urban Health Centre Europe that will be characterized by integrated health and social care in the community for elderly. My role as a moderator is only to facilitate in a lively and productive discussion. I am interested in your personal opinions, so please feel free to express yourself. Do you have any questions about this? Do you agree with participation in this focus group discussion and tape ‐ recording of this focus group discussion? [If everyone agrees start audio ‐ tape] Richard fitton. Introduction participants  What is your profession?/background.  What was your role in UHCE?  Briefly tell me how the UHCe intervention was executed in Manchester, I mean the process. Who was involved etc. 5 min General experience with the UHCE assessment and care past year What was your overall opinion of the UHCE assessment and care program the past year? What has the assessment and follow ‐ up care done for the health or well ‐ being of your patients? Probes:  What were the major strengths of this care program?  What were the barrriers of the program?  What improvements can be made to this care program?  Would you recommend assessing older persons 75+ years? Why/why not? 15 min Experience with assessment at home and follow ‐ up care What was you experience with the initial assessment at people’s home? Probes:  Instruments appropriate?  Missed health problems?  Location at home?  Target group? What was your experience with the following ‐ up care after this initial assessment?  With whom were the results of the house visit discussed? (Think about caregiver, GP, specialist, physiotherapist, pharmacist)  What happened to the social/medical care provision after the home visit?  How did your patient act regarding their health after the home visit? Reasons non ‐ enrolment in care? How was the relationship between older persons and professionals? Did this influence whether/not persons participated? Its there continuity of UHCE in Manchester? Did something change after the program? Why/who not? 15 min Integrated care and shared decision making What happened to the collaboration between you and other professionals in this program? How were decisions made regarding the care your patient received? How was participation medical/social care? 5 min 122 Chapter 5