Xuxi Zhang

† Follow ‐ up is from the end of the intervention; follow ‐ up of 0 month means that the measurement occurred immediately at the end of the intervention; follow ‐ up of  ‐ 3 months means that the measurement occurred during the intervention and there are still 3 months intervention left. ‡ The study had same 6 ‐ month intervention for both IG and CG. CG received 3 ‐ month delayed intervention, so we only included the first 3 months results as there was a control group with usual care in the first 3 months. § 6 ‐ month results were also presented in the study but the results were not good because the attrition of participants of CG was far more than 20% without statistical explanation. Therefore, we only used results of 12 ‐ month. || This article reports on two studies 1) a randomized 6 ‐ month trial of the SDSMP, with an 18 ‐ month longitudinal follow ‐ up, and 2) an18 ‐ month randomized comparison of automated telephone reinforcement of the SDSMP versus the nonreinforced SDSMP which aimed at testing the effect of automated telephone reinforcement on maintaining the effect of SDSMP. Therefore, we only used the results of the first study which aimed at testing the effect of SDSMP on glycemic control for diabetics. As to the 18 ‐ month longitudinal follow ‐ up in the first study, the results of participants from IG and CG were not presented separately, so we didn’t used the follow ‐ up results. ¶ There was a significant difference in the percentage of female participants between IG and CG and only outcome with significant baseline difference was activity limitation (P=0.036), but no significant difference in the other dependent variables between IG and CG # In this study, there were two intervention groups, DSN and PS. The intervention method of DSN was telecare support provided by diabetes specialist nurses while the method of PS was telecare support supporters. Therefore, we only used the results of PS to be the results of intervention group and the information of DSN was not presented in the table. ** Participants who were lost to follow ‐ up were similar to those who completed in baseline characteristics except the marriage and cell phone owning situation. Completers were more likely to have a cell phone ((68.9% vs. 54%, P =0.038) and were less likely to be married (18.2% vs. 31.7%, P = 0.013) †† In this study, there were two intervention groups, peer mentor and financial incentives. We only used the results of peer mentor as the results of the intervention group. 138 Chapter 6