Xuxi Zhang

California Medi ‐ Cal Study, 2005 Baseline IG: 61 CG: 49 Follow ‐ up (mean: 1.9 years) IG: 48 CG: 34 Patients with type 2 diabetes but with no retinopathy Female (%): 75.4 Mean age: 53.5±12.4 Duration of diabetes (year): 7.3±5.4 HbA1c (%): 9.6±1.6 Blood pressure (mm Hg): Systolic:  ‐  Diastolic:  ‐  Total Cholesterol (mmol/l): LDL:  ‐  HDL:  ‐  BMI:  ‐  Without diabetic retinopathy (%): 100 Patients with type 2 diabetes but with no retinopathy Female (%): 69.4 Mean age: 53.5±13.9 Duration of diabetes (year): 7.5±8.3 HbA1c (%): 9.7±1.8 Blood pressure (mm Hg): Systolic:  ‐  Diastolic:  ‐  Total Cholesterol (mmol/l): LDL:  ‐  HDL:  ‐  BMI:  ‐  Without diabetic retinopathy (%): 100 RCT USA Multifactorial intervention Intensive diabetes case management (subjects were seen or contacted by the case management staff at varying intervals according to the need at least monthly to lower blood glucose) in addition to standard care vs. Control group (standard care, blood glucose determination was collected at 6 ‐ month intervals, and contact between study staff and participants was generally limited to that needed to assure collection) Lifestyle intervention study, 2002 Baseline IG: 56 CG: 56 Follow ‐ up (mean:4.3 years) IG: 45 CG: 42 Patients with type 2 diabetes Female (%): 51.8 Mean age (year, range): 62.0, 35 ‐ 80 Duration of diabetes (year, range): 9.4, 1 ‐ 23 HbA1c (%): 7.4±1.4 Blood pressure (mm Hg): Systolic: 160±26 Diastolic: 95±11 Total Cholesterol (mmol/l): LDL: 5.84±1.11 HDL: 1.27±0.31 BMI: 29.8±4.5 Without diabetic retinopathy (%):  ‐  Patients with type 2 diabetes Female (%): 39.3 Mean age (year, range): 61.0, 43 ‐ 78 Duration of diabetes (year, range): 9.8, 1 ‐ 39 HbA1c (%): 7.4±1.4 Blood pressure (mm Hg): Systolic: 151±19 Diastolic: 92±10 Total Cholesterol (mmol/l): LDL: 5.46±0.93 HDL: 1.32±0.31 BMI: 27.9±4.5 Without diabetic retinopathy (%):  ‐  RCT Italy Multifactorial intervention Systemic group education (Educational sessions were held every 3 months, with one to two physicians and an educationist acting as facilitators. The programme included: the burden of overweight, choosing food, meal planning, physical exercise, checking and improving metabolic control, smoke cessation, assuming medication and preventing complications) vs. Control group (individual consultations and education scheduled for 3 ‐ monthly visits, or as frequently as 188 Chapter 7