Xuxi Zhang

1.3 STUDIES AND DATA  The UHCE project  The Urban Health Centres Europe (UHCE) project aimed to promote the healthy ageing of  older adults using integrated care pathways regarding the adherence to medication,  prevention of falls and frailty and loneliness. 54, 55  Integrated care pathways were implemented  in community settings at study sites in five European countries (Spain, Greece, Croatia, the  Netherlands and the UK). At each study site, older adults over age 70, who lived  independently and were expected to be able to participate in the study for at least 6 months  were invited to participate. A total of 2325 participants were recruited between May 2015  and June 2017, of which 1215 received integrated care pathways (intervention) and 1110  were enrolled in the control group. At the 12‐month follow‐up, 986 persons in the  intervention group (81.2%) completed the questionnaire and 858 persons in the control group  (77.3%) completed the questionnaire. Participants in the intervention group received care in  accordance with the UHCE approach which comprised three stages: risk assessment, shared‐ decision making and referral to care pathways aimed at reducing fall risk, inappropriate  medication use, loneliness and frailty by specific interventions. 55  Data were obtained from  self‐reported questionnaires at baseline and at 12 months of follow‐up.  The SEFAC project  The Social Engagement Framework for Addressing the Chronic‐disease‐challenge (SEFAC)  project was set up to respond to the call of the Third EU Health Programme (2014–2020; PJ‐ 04‐2016: Support to Member States and stakeholders to address the chronic disease  challenge;  http://sefacproject.eu ). The aim of the SEFAC project is to empower citizens  ≥50 years of age at risk of or with T2DM and/or cardiovascular disease (CVD) to self‐manage  their chronic conditions through the SEFAC intervention, which combines elements of  mindfulness, social engagement as well as information and communication technology (ICT)  support. A prospective cohort study with a 6‐month pre‐post design is being conducted in  four European countries: Croatia, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. 56 20 Chapter 1