Xuxi Zhang

UK. See Declaration section. In all cases, written informed consent is obtained before participants enter the study. In each study site, we will recruit community ‐ dwelling citizens over 50 years old using different strategies taking the capacity, organizational and environmental characteristics of the 4 study sites in consideration, as described below. Rijeka is a port city in the Republic of Croatia with a population of 128,384. 19 Participants will be recruited from public health events where free health checks are provided, including measurement of blood pressure and blood glucose, as well as through free community exercise programmes. Interested citizens can talk about the risk of developing T2DM and/or CVD with a health professional. Eligible citizens are informed about the SEFAC project and are invited to provide written informed consent and to participate in the study. Treviso is a city in the Veneto region in northeast Italy with 84,954 inhabitants. 20 Participants will be recruited from open events and through announcements on health ‐ related social network platforms. Interested citizens can talk face ‐ to ‐ face with health professionals about the risk of developing T2DM and/or CVD, and can be suggested to visit their general practitioner (GP). Eligible citizens are informed about the SEFAC project and are invited to provide written informed consent and to participate in the study. Rotterdam is a port city in the Netherlands with a population of 638,714. 21 Participants will be recruited from open community events and public announcements. Citizens are informed about the SEFAC project in ‐ person and/or via the SEFAC website. Interested citizens can express their interest to participate online, by e ‐ mail and in a conversation with a health professional, face ‐ to ‐ face or by telephone. Eligible citizens are invited by the research team to provide written informed consent and to participate in the study. Camborne is a town in South West England with a population of 20,436. 22 Participants will be recruited by informing and inviting visitors of the Veor Surgery, a general practitioner practice. Recruitment will also take place through open events. Eligible participants will receive information about the SEFAC project and are invited to provide written informed consent and to participate. Study population and eligibility to participate in the study We aim to include 360 participants in total (90 participants in each study site). The target population consists of community ‐ dwelling citizens  ≥  50 years of age, of which 200 participants at risk of T2DM and/or CVD in the next ten years (50 participants in each study site) and 160 participants with T2DM and/or CVD (40 participants in each study site). Citizens are not eligible to participate when they are diagnosed with mild or serious cognitive impairment, terminally ill or scheduled to enter secondary or tertiary care settings for a long period of time, lacked the basic knowledge of the local language or when they are not able to make an informed decision regarding participation in the study. 210 Chapter 8